Kamal Rupareliya, a Director of Products at Intuz, focuses on innovation through technology such as IoT, JAMStack, and Serverless Computing. He is an expert in IoT, Mobile Design, and Product Strategy, and he loves applying inventive ways to utilize technology and empathy towards creating remarkable digital software products.

Why Use Next.js: Reasons & Benefits for Developers to Choose This Framework

IoT-Enhanced Performance of Smart Valves in Industrial Settings

Sleep Better with AI and IoT-Enabled Smart Beds

Smart Cooktops with AI: Cook Like a Pro

Coolant Monitoring In Power Plants: Challenges, Parameters, and IoT Solutions

Condition Monitoring Using IoT In Brewing And Distillation Industry

IoT-Enabled Smart Water Purifiers: Clean and Healthy Drinking Water

Upscale the art of cooking with an IoT-enabled Smart Oven

Next-Generation IoT Enabled Air Purifier: Smart Technology for Cleaner, Fresher Air

IoT-based Smart Box development for package tracking and tracing.

AI & IoT Smart Fridge Solutions for OEMs

Revolutionizing Laundry: IoT Application in Smart Washing Machine

Understanding the IoT Use Cases in Smart Dishwashers

The Role Of IoT In The Electric Vehicle(EV) Industry

Optimizing Industrial Washing Processes With IoT-Based Pump Monitoring

The Role Of IoT In Enhancing Asset Management

Key Applications Of An IoT-Based Pump Monitoring System

How IoT is Solving OEMs' Challenges in Steel Manufacturing

How IoT Technology Can Solve Corrosion Problems in Industrial Piping

Using IoT To Improve Quality And Reliability Of Power Generators

Smart Manufacturing With IoT: Benefits And Barriers of The Chemical Industry

Leveraging Transformer Monitoring with Industrial IoT

Automotive IoT Solutions: Applications, Benefits, Examples

Cellular Connectivity Considerations In IoT Product Design

Matter vs. Thread: A Guide On Smart Home Technology Standards

How To Deploy MQTT Broker In A Kubernetes Cluster

Planning A Seamless Migration To AWS IoT Core From Google Cloud IoT Core

The Present (And Future) Of IoT Applications In Sports

IoT Communication Protocols: OPC UA vs. MQTT

IoT In The Education Industry: Embracing The New Way Of Learning
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